Calling members & interested parties for new film shoot!(Postponed-sorries)
Apologies: the meeting has been postponed due to unforseen circumstances-keep watch here for future arrangement/for meeting to be reconvened. Ong BK
Penang Film Club intend to submit a new film to the Freedom Film Fest 2009 competition-and we are calling for a get-together for all those who may want to involve in the project. Meeting details:
Date: May 24th (Sunday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: D' Space(62 Weld Quay-see map through a link in a box on the right)
There will be film making workshops and a chance to learn film making from the beginning to the end. Equipments are not neccesary. The meeting will be a continuation of a brain storming session which had been started to kick start the film project. For more details of the Freedom Film Fest 2009 go to here.
Enq. 013-5900339(Ong) 0194705763(Dalbinder)
Next screening
Due to commitment to go abroad by the organiser the next screening will be postponed to June 14th. Sorry for inconveniences! Titles suggestions are welcome!
Ong BK
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
`The Great Debaters' for this sunday!

Halo folks,
Without any suggestions for screening titles so far we are screening a good title which was proposed for earlier screening: `The Great Debaters' -something which we wanted to show very much after Obama came to power in US last year! It is based on a true story which tells how a debating team from US's deep/racist south took on an elite team in Harvard. Very recommended for those into debates!
The screening should make a good sequel to `Crash' -another great anti-racism title, which we showed last fortnight ago.
Screening details:
Date: May 17th(Sunday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: 62 Weld Quay
Enq. 013-5900339
See you there!
Admission is FREE, as usual.
Ong BK
Thursday, May 7, 2009
1 arrest in Penang last night (May 7th 2009)
Last weekend we screened `Crash' an anti-racism film based on Los Angeles context to our usual crowd.
Another 2 weeks' time we will be doing our next screening-your sugestion on title/s are welcome!
Ong BK
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