Halo friends,
As Sarawak's state elections are coming closer the vast interior of Sarawak remain inscrutable to many Sarawakians as well as non-Sarawakians. Yet the rural interior is where most of the 71 Sarawakian state assembly seats are. So long that there is no change from this region there won't be any change in the whole of Sarawak, and by extension, also the entire country. We therefore hold a screening of short films where you can hear the true voices of Sarawakians from these region- where the media dare not tread. You are welcome to attend this screening and discussion to see if there is anything you can do from Penang:
Titles: Blockades in Lawas(Eng),
`Mati ditengah perjalanan' Limbang(Malay),
Sebangan 7(Iban with English Sub-titles).
Date: Nov 19th(Friday)
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: D' Space(62 Weld Quay 10300, Penang-3rd floor)
Entrance: FREE!
All welcome!
Enq.013-5900339(Ong BK)