It is strange that the well known film about climate change by a well known speaker had not been shown publicly in Penang yet. So Penang FilmClub would use the occasion of this year's World Environment Day to screen the very recommendable film-both for content as well as the make :
Date : June 3rd (Sunday)
Time : 8.00pm
Venue: D' Space (60 Weld Quay, 4th Floor of Wisma Oh)
Entrance : FREE -limited seats -1st come 1st served !
Enq.013-5900339 (Ong)
1 comment:
Wow ! Full house again at D' Space just now with our Penang Watch 1st anniversary, WED's screening of `An Inconvenient Truth' and a gig by 3 bands. What an evening !
Pg Watch kicked off with a presentation on its web site by the web developer himself-Kris. Then Ong presented an introduction as well as the work of Pg Watch for the past year.
After the session we had a refreshment session before we commenced screening `An Inconvenient Truth', with an introduction by Chuin Nian. More people turned up at this time till we run out of seat. The captivating film ran about 2 hours featuring Al Gore the US ex-president. The film was very well done as a propagation tool -both for the message as well as for the messenger. Al Gore combined scientific research results together with his personal advocacy experience to win over the audience as well as to paint himself as the advocate in chief. Something not so fair if we consider that the global warming issue had been promoted with much more commitments by greenie activists before. Overall the message as well the film-making scored as well as each other.
Don & Mylene-Penang's best known recycling advocate spoke at the end the film about their advocacy experiences in recycling -an activity which is endorsed by the film as part of the solution to global warming. An interesting exchange followed.
At 10.00pm the 3 bands -which also joined in the film audience, started their performance at the 3rd floor. The young musician put up a good show and won everyone's applause. Hope to see more of them in the future. The last band was a good start with mixed-ethnic group band. The lead singer and guitarist was Malay while the drummer, guitarist and (female)key-boardist were chinese. The audience were also a mixed group -good start !
All in all those who were absent really missed a good evening outing!
B K Ong
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