This Sunday's (Oct20) movie will be "Sicko", a Michael Moore film about the state of healthcare in the United States. From Moore's point of view, he details how the expensive costs of medicine, insurance, and healthcare is affecting lower-income US citizens, with many struggling to obtain the funds to get treatment.
Location: 60 Weld Quay, 4th floor
Time is 7PM.
Admission is FREE.
There will be a screening of a short film `Forgotten' (30min) ahead of the feature film. `Forgotten' is about the 100 year old clan jetties at Weld Quay which is threatened by development pressures. It won 1 of the 3 awards offered by the recent Freedom Film Fest. All welcome to watch this film which is also a `home made' film by Penang FIlm CLub members./Ong BK
The screening of 2 films drew interesting feedbacks.
`Forgotten' attracted some non-regular attendants -including another veteran film maker Julian Cheah. They left after the 1st film.
`Sicko' by Michael Moore attracted a lively discussion afterwards from a number of audience who happened to come from various countries with differnt health care arrangements: France, Australia, Pakistan, US etc. It is not surprising that most are from countries where some forms/degrees of universal health care exist. So the discussion is not treating the universal health care promoted by Moore with starry eyes or the scare that US citizens may hold against `socialised' health care. There were some good comments on the advocacy style of film making used by Moore -certainly there are areas where such film may ignore consciously or unconsciously, as any salesmperson would. But being in the political culture that he find himself in ie one where corporate profits is equated to public good, his critical stand against corporate greed should be much needed!
Overall most audience appreciated Moore's film for its persuasiveness-though some sections was said to be over the top eg the encounter between some US citizens said to be WTC rescuersd-brought by Moore to Cuba to meet their fire brigade.
In Malaysian media environment where public discourse is dominated by 1-sided view/ propaganda the need for advocacy style of film making-especially for the marginalised perspectives, is well appreciated.
Ong BK
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