The year 1990. Ipoh. A former mining town now surrounded by a moonscape of abandoned mining machinery & quarries. Eight Boy Scouts (Kinta Troop No.2) from St. Michael's High School embark on a camping expedition to earn their Scout badges. For the trip to be successful, they must cover 100 kilometers of ground around Ipoh on foot. No "help" from any other transport (pedal-powered, animal-powered, or motorized) is allowed. Some aim to complete the expedition fairly, some plan to cheat...
Bernard Chauly's low-budget film takes us through the minds & antics of the eight as they trek through Perak's Kinta Valley; their friendships, the childish pranks they play upon each other, pimples, family relationships, the upcoming school prom, the impending final exams, ... and their future after graduation...

At the end of the expedition, which nearly turned tragic, the eight schoolboys have changed... each of them now with an entirely new outlook on life, and new post-highschool ambitions...
The movie is in a mixture of Malay, mostly English, and some Chinese. But subtitles are provided. From what I've read, most of the actors are first-timers.
Location: 4th floor, 60 Weld Quay
Time: 7PM (Sunday), 20 April
Admission: Free
Hey Bright Eyes and co.
Sorry I didn't make the screening on Sunday. Would've liked to see Chauly's early work. Got to make a report to the Penang Film Club about a new arts advocacy group, called the Arts Alliance, forming in Penang. Went to its first meeting last night, and around 40 people attended from various arts orgs. Shall report to the group soon via the Google Group.
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