Sunday, June 28, 2009

New filming project taken off!

Since there was no screening tonite due to lack of recommendation for screening title I'm posting this latest video from me for your enjoyment/comments.

I'll be travelling till next fortnight-so there will only be another screening in 4 week's time ie July 26th. Hopefully I can find another great title from Indonesia for the screening. However you are free to suggest good titles for the screening then.

Update on filming project:
The crew has started doing interviews with various disabled groups to make a short film for the Freedom Film Fest competition 2009, in the last few days. Hopefully we can finalise a script soon to see through the film's final completion. The inerviews with about 20 disabled persons have provided numerous interesting stories-hopefully we can string them up to make an interesting film that also serve to raise public awareness about the disabled communities when there are some changes at the government levels in the last year or so.

Crew: Bernard, Chuin Yip, Ziaudeen, Ong BK

New blog for the kids:

Ziaudeen just started a new blog here, with a funny new short film as well, watch it here.

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