Indie film about ethnic conflict in Malaysia `Gadoh' was stopped by 50 police at a screening at Kg Buah Pala tonite. For report and photos see here. The film's director Brenda Danker (Front left) and producer Anna Har(left most) was around together with about 50 residents when the police turned up at about 8.00pm to stop the screening before it could even get started. The film will continue its screenings at USM on Wed evening. Earlier the film was screened at Penang Film Club on Sunday, where copies of the DVD were sold to some SBs. It is not sure if the sales led the state politicians contacted to say that the film was not approved by FINAS.
The stand off continued till about 11.00pm before both sides dispersed. The century old village is facing eviction notice by Aug 2nd. The eviction would severely test the accountability of the State Government-especially when there are news that the eviction will come under the most intense scrutiny by the country's camerapersons and bloggers!
Ong BK
actually i was wanna ask this question on last sunday sereening, the kg buah pala screening,
may the suddent sereening plan, coz, you guys anounced only at 3 places in penang,
and kampung buah pala is current hot issue at penang, yea...
and for sure dah tahu, if we screen there(this movie) sure kena kantoi punya, and why you guys screen there?
sengaje, political motivated?, or saje saje nak jumpa mamat polis,
jng marah yer, kalu ikutkan penyampaiyan maulumat, kat sana veterans banyak then teenagers,and movie kite ni can say more to teenager,
memang dah masak dah, kite paya nak tukak org tua ni, and why should you guys screen there?
humble request, jng marah yer.....
We screen it at the request of the residents there.
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